10 dog peculiarities

According to estimates, there are approximately six hundred million dogs in the world. Of these, more than four hundred and fifty million do not have a warm bed and a mistress. However, every furry has a lot of incredible qualities, regardless of where and with whom they live. Read some of them.

1. Puppies are born not only blind, but also deaf. From the second to third week, dogs open their eyes, but their vision is very limited. They only start hearing around the third week. Hearing is the last sense that puppies develop. In the first days of life, puppies use their sense of smell to find their mother dog.


2. The habit of sleeping in a ball it dates back to the days when dogs still roamed the wilds without their human companions. In this way, dogs protect their organs by heating and are not so vulnerable in the event of a predator attack.

3. People have fingerprints, dogs have a snout print. A dog's muzzle is unique and as unmistakable as the grooves on the fingers of our hand. One Chinese company working with artificial intelligence even decided to use this fact. Using photos of the snout, people will be able to find their lost dog in the new app's database.

4. Dogs are not color blind , but their ability to perceive colors is very limited. The popular belief that dogs only see black, white and gray probably dates back to the 1930s from the pen of American war veteran and dog lover Will Jud. But current scientific research shows that dogs see yellow and blue colors and their combinations. However, a dog's eye can orient itself in the dark much better than a human eye.

5. You may have noticed that your dog digs or rubs its hind paws on the grass after going outside. Many people mistake this behavior for an attempt to bury a smelly present. In reality, however, you are dogs mark territory using glands in their paws . They send a message to the other dogs: you are not mistaken, I was really here!

6. A dog's snout is about a hundred thousand times more sensitive than a human's. Dogs can sniff out drugs, weapons, human remains, bark beetles and even disease. According to a study by Medical Detection Dogs, dogs can sniff out the smell of an illness equivalent to a teaspoon of sugar dissolved in two Olympic-size swimming pools.


7. Dogs also literally feel our emotions. Our furry companions can tell from the trace amounts of our sweat whether we are afraid, anxious or, for example, happy. In addition, they thoroughly record our facial expressions, body posture and tone of voice. From this information, they can form a good picture of our psychological state, and this will then affect their own mood.

8. Dogs are also good at numbers with proper training. The famous trainer Ken Ramirez taught the female Coral to count up to five objects with ninety-five percent probability and up to eight with ninety percent probability. To make matters worse, trainer Coral made the conditions more difficult by mixing more objects, while he always wanted to know the number of only one species from the female. You can also start counting with your pet. In Ramirez's training, there was no pure canine genius - Coral was a reactive dog from the shelter.

9. If the earth's field is calm, the dogs defecate from north to south or from south to north. The study, in which scientists from the Czech University of Life Sciences also participated, was mentioned by all major media at the time of its publication. The headlines often proclaimed that dogs basically poop in a north-south axis. The reality is not as dramatic as the headlines trumpet - dogs do not take a compass to the toilet and do not look for the right direction. However, they are very sensitive to changes in the magnetic field and can use their special sixth sense for example for navigation - and sometimes also for excretion.

10. A 2016 Australian study proved something every dog ​​lover has long known: dogs show selfless kindness . In other words, they do things for others that do not benefit them.

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