THE SMEČKA PODCAST - Part 16: Even dog owners sometimes need a lawyer. What if there is an assault, damage or divorce?

In the 16th episode of the Smečka podcast, we will focus on situations where even dog walkers cannot do without the services of a lawyer. The guest is Jakub Svoboda, a lawyer specializing in litigation , who is also dedicated to raising the public's legal awareness. In today's episode, we will focus on specific problems that dog owners may encounter and present possible solutions.

We will discuss what to do if your dog causes damage, how to proceed when a dog is attacked by another dog or a person, what to do if the dog causes damage and how to defend ourselves if the dog gets us into legal trouble . We will also focus on what to do in the event of a veterinarian's misconduct, what documents to require from the breeder and what your rights and responsibilities are as a dog owner . Join us for valuable information to help you better navigate the legal issues associated with dog ownership.

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