Losing a dog is one of the dog owner's worst nightmares. The thought of not knowing what is happening to him, where he is, and if he has fallen into the wrong hands is really harrowing. What to do in cases where your dog runs away, you can find on the blog. Today we will take it from the opposite side. Do you know the best way to proceed when you find a lost dog?


If you spot a dog that looks like it's looking for its owner, the first thing you'll want to do is catch it. Don't act too fast. If he is not in immediate danger, e.g. he is not running on the road, watch him for a little while. Many dogs are stressed in these situations, and if you were to run to him immediately, he could startle and run away, or manifest signs of aggression . First, talk to him calmly, watch his reaction. In the best case scenario, he won't be afraid of you and you will have a chance to catch him. At worst, he'll keep running.


Once you have succeeded and captured the dog, ensure its safety. Put him on a leash, or take him home, more or less take measures to prevent further escape.

If you bring a dog home and you own a dog yourself, it is better not to let them meet. You don't know what the foundling is going to react, how it relates to other animals and whether it has any diseases or parasites.

Consider other care options such as food and drink. Prepare a bowl of water. As for food, be careful there, you don't know if the dog suffers from possible food allergies . The foundling is already under stress, you and him don´t need to deal with digestive problems too.


Now that the dog is safe, you have plenty of time for him identification . Check if it has a tag with owner contact. If so, you are half won and the journey back home should not be difficult. But it can happen that the dog is wearing it doesn't have none visible identification . At that moment you have two options - take the dog to veterinarians or on the city police to find out if he has a microchip and what his number is.


In the meantime, we recommend take a photo of the dog and harness the power of social networks. Whether you found it in a city or a village, many places today have their local Facebook pages. There is nothing easier than post information about the found person right there. There is a possibility that someone will recognize the dog and report the find to the owner. You can also use the service Dog detective. In a few seconds, you fill in the basic information about the dog and the detective will send it out and post it in the appropriate places for you.

Did you find a dog in a place where there are shops or restaurants? Ask there if someone was looking for the dog and leave it to yourself contact.


Now comes the moment of truth. They will tell you the chip number at the vet or the city police, but it may happen that they are not will not be entered in any register . With microchips, such a mess has become rampant. The vet does implant a microchip under the dog's skin, but often it is its registration on you , or it will register it only to one register of animals . Yes, unfortunately the system is patchy and there are several microchip registries. When you find a dog, you get a chip number, enter it in the register and it is possible that you can't find any contact for the owner . Therefore, try to enter it in as many registries as possible, e.g.:

◦ http://www.narodniregistr.cz/

◦ http://www.identifikace.cz/

◦ http://www.cipy.cz/registr.html

◦ http://www.backhome.cz/

◦ https://www.evidencepsu.cz/

◦ https://www.registrmikrocipu.cz/

◦ https://www.help4pet.cz

◦ https://narodniregistrpsu.cz/

◦ http://www.iftaregistr.cz/

One option is that it will only appear in the registry contact to the breeding station from which the dog, if it has papers, comes from. In that case, the given station should provide you with the contact of the owner of the found object.

In the worst case, when the dog doesn't have microchip or identification tattoo in the ear, it's up to you how to proceed . If you leave the dog with you for a few days and continue to search, you may place him in a dog shelter through the city police.


It is possible that based on posted photos on social networks, the owner will contact you. You will surely be happy that the furry one will get back to his family, be but careful . In today's age of breeders, it is possible that the information about the found dog reaches the breeder, he likes the furry one and impersonate its owner . So first make sure that the person who contacted you is really the master. It's best that you will show the vaccination card with the chip number, or send you photos with the dog.

Also watch the video of the Smečka podcast, which deals with the topic in more depth:

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