Attention! 7 popular houseplants that are poisonous to dogs

Every nature lover has a plant at home. Enlivening the home with maids has become a huge trend again recently. Plants can clean the air, make the interior cozy, and according to research, caring for them even reduces stress (if you're not one of those unlucky ones who even die of a cactus). But if you share your home not only with green tenants but also with a four-legged friend, you should be careful now. Cohabitation is not always suitable for this couple. What plants are there a risk that a dog could be poisoned by them?

If you wanted to turn your apartment into a jungle full of indoor plants, you will probably be disappointed now. For a large amount of them are toxic to dogs . Of course, their acquisition is up to you. If the dog is not interested in the plants, or you are able to ensure that he does not get to them, you can have as many as you want. But if you are not sure, better avoid these maids:


Diefenbachia is one of the most common causes of poisoning. It contains dangerous calcium oxalate in its leaves and stems, which can make life very unpleasant. In case of accidental ingestion, there is not only strong salivation, but with greater concentration there is also the risk of vomiting, convulsions and swelling, especially in the mouth, throat and lips. And having a swollen neck can mean a problem with breathing.



The Christmas season is approaching, and many of us cannot imagine a holiday decoration without a poinsettia. It is a spiny plant that secretes a poisonous latex milk. It is highly irritating to the skin and can damage the eyes if it comes into contact with the eyes. Upon contact with it, dogs experience vomiting, swelling of the mouth and snout.


The maid, who is currently experiencing her big comeback, so it is not out of place to remind you that she can also give your dog a lot of trouble. It contains alkaloids and saponins, which cause irritation of the digestive tract after ingestion.


If you had to name one houseplant that is currently ruling Instagram, it would be the Monstera. It not only decorates most millennials' apartments, but the pattern with its leaves can also be found on clothes, wallpapers and even dog collars. It will grow to large sizes even with average care, and this could be a stumbling block in households with pets. You can't just hide a monster from them somewhere. These plants contain calcium oxalate, and if spilled, everything that applies to diefenbachia described above, it is definitely worth calling a doctor immediately if ingested.



Ivy can decorate not only the facade of houses, but has also become popular in interiors. A dog can be poisoned mainly after eating the berries - symptoms include vomiting, salivation, inflammation of the digestive tract, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, and in the final stage, coma and convulsions occur. The above-mentioned symptoms can also occur when a large number of leaves are ingested.


While aloe helps people with many health conditions, dogs should avoid it. After ingestion, it causes vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and chills.


One of the most widespread indoor plants in our homes. However, it can be very harmful to a dog after it is ingested. It causes vomiting and diarrhea, and in worse cases, cardiac arrhythmia.

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