Advantages of adopting a senior dog

When people start thinking about getting a four-legged friend, usually the first thing that comes to mind is a cute puppy. Of course, it has its advantages - it will live a long time, you can raise it as you like, and it's simply fun with it. But the shelters are mainly full of senior dogs who have been waiting for their new family for a long time. Why adopt an old dog? It also has a lot of pluses. Let's take a look at them.


One of the benefits of older dogs is their physical and mental maturity . Sure, every dog ​​is different, and you'll find a fifteen-year-old dachshund who still acts like a rabid puppy. But you are more likely to come across an old dog who likes his peace and leaves your dogs alone. In every good shelter, they know the nature of their dogs, so you will know in advance whether he likes children, whether he chases cats, and also whether he gets along with any furry people in your household.



If you do not dare to leave a blank slate in the form of a small puppy and its upbringing, a good choice is to adopt an older dog. If he has lived in acceptable conditions and had sufficient care, he will probably know at least a few basic commands. You can improve with him and of course teach him new ones - believe it or not, but an old dog new pieces you will actually learn.

Adoption of a senior dog you avoid difficult beginnings with a puppy, including night walks, apartment demolition, learning commands completely from scratch. If these are the reasons why you don't have a dog yet, but you've always wanted one, look around for a dog in years that will suit your family's rhythm.


Getting a puppy home is like a marathon. You constantly run after him, try to entertain him, tire him out, and he still doesn't have enough. This can be difficult for many beginners. But when you adopt an older dog, he won't want you to exercise much. Of course even old dogs do they need to move and they love movement but they do not require it as much as young dogs. That's why you can look forward to peaceful walks, possible short play, which will keep them in mental and physical condition. In the end, however, you will find that the most popular activity of old dogs is to lie at your feet and enjoy your presence.


It might seem that an older dog will need more veterinary care than a puppy, but this is not the case at all. If you don't bring home a dog that you know in advance has health complications, many senior canines will enjoy good health for a long time, depending on their age. Unlike a puppy would the dog from the shelter should have been fully vaccinated , often it is neutered and is less susceptible to various infections , which puppies suffer from in particular. Of course, health is the most valuable thing and unfortunately, even in a completely healthy dog, whether young or old, you cannot predict possible health problems.


Adopting a senior dog gives you the opportunity to choose a personality that fits perfectly with your lifestyle and your family. Plus, the furry one will be forever grateful to you for giving him a loving new home.

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