Over thousands of years, dogs and humans have developed a special bond. Thanks to domestication, they learned to adapt to our lifestyle, and thus acquired a mission in life other than being "just" our pets. With their dedication and boundless love, they make the lives of people with disabilities easier, and believe it or not, they can even heal.

Dogs have been used for medicinal purposes for many years. Today we will focus more on the mental side and on how much dogs can do improve our mental state. Whether it's depression, anxiety or feelings of loneliness, dogs simply know how to heal the human soul. This is also proven by extensive research, according to which the presence of a dog can have an effect on reducing stress levels.


You may have noticed this yourself and no scientific research had to prove it. Just petting the dog makes you feel good lowers heart rate and blood pressure . Furries can put us people at ease, so they are often used as emotional support. They visit retirement homes, hospices, schools and, in the US, even courtrooms. Well, just imagine the peace on earth if everyone petted the dog in a tense situation.

People with psychological problems often use dogs as intermediaries for communication that they would not be able to handle themselves. When they have him by their side, they are more relaxed and manage to express their feelings better.



The same breeds that work as guide dogs are most often used. So you often come across canistherapy labradors or golden retrievers . According to experts, these dogs are chosen because they are sociable, perceptive enough and easy to train, also thanks to the fact that they are very treat-oriented. Still, you could say that race doesn't matter that much. The most important attribute of a therapy dog ​​is a calm nature and great patience. And so you can meet both the mentioned labrador, as well as a poodle or a so-called "fighting" breed such as pit bulls or Staffordshire bull terriers.

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