Do dogs need shoes in winter?

More and more dog owners are asking themselves this question. Salted sidewalks and frost are not good for dog paws, so here is a solution to put shoes on your dog and avoid the inconvenience of cracked pads. But it's not that simple. At first glance, it might seem that such shoes should not be a problem for the dog. But the opposite is true! It is difficult to estimate the size, moreover, the shoes are really uncomfortable for the furry ones and often cause them a problem when walking and restriction of movement. They can do more harm than good.



But sometimes you really have nothing else to do. In case the dog already has pads severely cracked, suffering from an injury or inflammation on the paw or between the toes , the shoe is the ideal protection to prevent dirt from getting into the wounds.

It is not necessary to purchase shoes for a healthy dog. The pads on the paws are designed to handle snow, ice and frozen ground . They can adapt to cold temperatures down to -35 degrees. The tissue on a dog's paw is the hardest on the dog's entire body, and its structure helps it maintain direction and balance. When you put shoes on him, this characteristic disappears and makes it difficult for him to walk, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. It's similar to wearing socks on a slippery floor.

Although the paw pads are durable, they are unfortunately not indestructible. That being said, they are more prone to cracking in the winter, which is why it's important taking care of them . Paw balm or petroleum jelly-based products can help keep your dog's paws safe. Before you go for a walk, lubricate them carefully . This creates a barrier that prevents cracking. If you have a long-haired dog at home, don't forget to trim the long hair between the pads. This way, ice and snow will have nothing to stick to and skin irritation will not occur.

It is very dangerous for dog paws in winter sprinkling salt . It can irritate the skin, cause dryness, cracking and even burns of the pads. But it is even worse when dogs lick salt and various chemicals off their paws. They can be toxic to them, so it's important that you rinse, dry thoroughly and ideally condition your paws when you return from a walk.

So does a dog need shoes in winter? Yes and no. It depends on the case. Sometimes they can help heal already cracked heels, other times they do more harm than good. The best advice will be given by your vet, who will assess whether the shoe is beneficial for your dog. It is important to know that grooming plays a huge role in protecting paws during the colder season and your pet will thank you for it.

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