Home games: How to entertain a dog at home?

Most dogs are pretty little dogs, bursting with energy from morning to night. Our daily task is then to get that energy out of them and tire them out at least a little. Does it ever seem like a superhuman task to you too? We all know that the most effective is a long walk or a run in the garden. But what to do if we can't go out with the dog at the moment? Whether it's due to bad weather, quarantine or any other reason, we have some tips to keep your furry friend entertained inside.


A completely simple game that you can play anywhere. Even when waiting for the bus. But at home, it will also help you to entertain the furry ones for a while. All you need is a few treats and your palms. Put in one of them treat , close both fists and set them to the dog. To begin with, leave the place where you have hidden the treat a little open so that the treat can be felt better. The goal is for the dog to recognize in which hand you have the hidden treasure and mark it with his paw.



You might be a little scared now. Don't worry, you don't have to turn the whole apartment into an agility course or buy obstacles. You can make do with what you have at home. Tunnel crawling is great. For this you will need two chairs or, for example, boxes, it depends on the size of the dog. You just throw a blanket over them and the tunnel is ready!

If the dog has never climbed through it, teach it gradually. Definitely don't force him into it. The most effective way is to lure him there with treats. Repeat several times and after a while the dog will learn that there is no danger in the tunnel and that it is even fun!

You can easily build obstacles to jump over using a broom handle and buckets or empty flower pots. You can then increase the obstacle arbitrarily, depending on how the dog is doing. For example, toilet paper can also be used for this. You may have recently seen videos on the Internet of dogs jumping over toilet paper walls. First it starts with one row, two and increases until the dog throws down the whole wall. But be careful if you have a slippery floor in the room. The dog could slip when jumping and risk injury.



For many dogs, the biggest fear is walking on an unfamiliar surface. Maybe yours also avoids different grates, channels, grids, plastic covers, etc. on a walk. Such fear can be easily relieved by training. At home, prepare a path for him from different materials - carpets, newspapers, plastic, in short, whatever you can find at home . Gradually teach him to calmly walk the path. Of course, keep reward treats ready at all times.


You must have played this game as a kid. Now teach it to your pet too. Prepare three containers – depending on the size of the dog, they can be drinking cups or empty flower pots. Hide a treat under one of them and let the dog search for it by smell. After discovering where the goodness is hiding, he must also figure out how to get to it. But be careful not to chew the containers.

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