How to choose the right dog kibble. A quick guide for dog walkers

For any new dog walker, a trip to the dog kibble counters can be an overwhelming experience. So many lines, purposes and ingredients! Is your dog small, young, neutered, an athlete, allergic, toothless? Everyone chooses. The problem arises when the manufacturer claims that you absolutely cannot do without its new product.

Everyone probably knows that choosing based on price alone is not worthwhile. But how do you choose the right one for your pet among all the foreign names of the composition? Four important factors will help you in your basic orientation: dog's age, breed size, activity and health status . In short, a Parson Russel terrier puppy will have different nutritional requirements than a ten-year-old Saint Bernard.



The granules should contain as much meat as possible . However, the mere inscription meat without any clarification is not enough. The raw material, which is insufficiently marked in this way, is mostly waste from animal production. The same applies to cereals and fat. Also watch out for an ingredient called meat meal. The packaging should indicate which meat meal it is. That is, whether it comes from fish, chicken, duck, etc. The more precisely the source of the ingredient is described, the better. Ideally also with by the percentage representation of the given raw material in the granules . The granules should also be palatable to the dog. Here, unfortunately, the customer often encounters the fact that cheaper products contain more flavorings at the expense of quality. It is therefore necessary to consider and choose well.


Another important category is granule size . If you have a large dog, choose a large kibble for him. Especially voracious dogs are at risk of inhaling small pieces if they are too enthusiastic. On the other hand, small furballs can struggle with larger granules when chewing. However, a bigger hitch when biting may not be harmful. Except dogs improve their oral hygiene when they chew thanks to the strengthened muscles around their jaws . This is how they wipe off dental plaque. According to the sudden dislike of biting, you can also detect some unexpected health problem - for example, with the teeth.


Both the puppy and the adult dog should be able to chew the kibble without much difficulty. But if you're thinking about special small granules because you have a few-month-old bundle of unsettled hair at home, you can rest easy. You will definitely not harm your puppy with larger pellets . Just keep in mind that the kibble for puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs have different compositions, because at each stage of life a dog has different needs. The exception is granules specially designed for all life stages.

Choosing the right one is not at all easy in the current flood of offers. That's why it's worth spending time choosing and trying what suits your dog. However, do not switch to new granules overnight. Gradually mix them into the old food so that your friend does not get used to a sudden change in digestion.

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