On average, dogs sleep around 14 hours a day, the length usually depends on the breed and whether it is a working dog or a pet. Larger dogs require more sleep than smaller dogs because they take longer to recover. Did you know that dog sleep is similar to human sleep? We all have our favorite sleeping positions and even have similar sleep cycles. Let's take a look at some interesting facts about dogs and their sleep.


There are four most common positions in which your dog can sleep. According to them, you can easily tell if he is just taking a nap or sleeping like a hoot.


1. On the side and on the stomach

When a dog sleeps on its side or stomach with its paws extended forward, it usually means that just resting . Some dogs may fall into deeper stages of sleep in this position; you can tell when they twitch and kick their feet.

2. Sleep on your back

Does your dog sleep on his back with his feet in the air? We always ask ourselves how comfortable it can be for them. In this position they are mostly in the deepest phase of sleep . All their muscles are relaxed, but once in a while they may start kicking, whimpering or wagging their tail out of nowhere. These movements are part of so-called REM sleep, during which most dreams take place. In addition, when dogs sleep on their backs, they show that they feel safe and trust their owner .

3. Curled into a ball

In this position, the muscles cannot be completely relaxed, so the dog is mostly in it just dozing off . In the past, they lay like this to protect their vital organs from enemies and also to keep warm in the colder months.

4. Back to back

When your dog is lying with its back to another pet or to you, thus showing affection and protection and it shows that he feels safe. As with sleeping on its side or stomach, the dog can only doze or sleep deeply in this position.



A dog's sleep cycle is almost the same as a human's. Sleep in both goes through three NREM phases as well as a REM phase. However, a dog's sleep cycle is much shorter than that of humans. While a person goes through an average of five cycles per night, it can be up to 15-20 cycles for a dog.

During the first phase of NREM your dog's muscles will relax, so you may experience a slight twitch at times. This stage is classified as light sleep because the furries can be easily awakened.

The second stage of NREM it is usually the longest of all stages, it can take up to 45% of the total sleep time. Although some brain activity remains in this phase, the dog is very relaxed and calm.

The third stage of NREM it usually takes only 10 to 15 minutes per cycle. During this phase, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature decrease, and breathing slows down. You can recognize this stage by the dog not responding to sounds or anything going on around it.

REM sleep is the phase when dogs have most of their dreams and random movements. The brain is highly active in processing memories and learning. The dog spends only 10-15% of its sleep cycle in this phase. It takes longer for puppies because they are still going through developmental stages.

We don't know about you, but we'd love to get 14 hours of sleep, too. So good night and sweet dreams!

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