We all know those rainy, gloomy days when none of us, usually including our four-legged pets, want to go for a longer walk than is absolutely necessary. But what can we do at home to keep our dog from getting bored? Because as every dog ​​owner knows, a tired dog = a happy dog. We therefore bring you several tips to keep you and your canine pets entertained at home.


That tic-tac-toe is a game only for us bipeds? It doesn't have to be that way! Tic-tac-toe will bring a lot of fun to you and your dog. And how to do that?

All you need is a pencil, paper and a supply of your favorite treats. Draw a table on paper, a 3x3 table will suffice and place the prepared treats in the individual windows. Now just select a symbol and the game can begin! The one whose turn it is takes a treat and then a symbol is written in the window - whoever wins takes it all!


A very simple game that is guaranteed to keep you and your dog entertained! For this game you only need the dog's favorite treats , which you will hide in different places in the room. The dog will then look for hidden treats and you will have a lot of fun watching him.


As the name suggests, all you need for this game is a blanket and treats. And how to do that? Place the snails on the ground, place a blanket over them and watch how your dog tries to get them . You can also make the game more difficult later by placing the treats directly on the blanket, which you then roll up.


As every dog ​​owner knows, a dog spends most of its life sniffing its surroundings - smell is a dog's main sense. The sniffing mat supports the dog's natural behavior and trains the dog's instincts. And how does such a rug work? Quite simply. You can hide the dog's favorite goodies or granules in the sniffing rug , which the dog is looking for in the rug. So the dog has to fully concentrate and think, which will have a wonderful time.

You can either buy a rug in stores, where they are available in many variants in terms of design and color, or you can even try to make it yourself, you can find a lot of instructions on the Internet.


If you don't want to keep inventing new and new games, the easiest solution is to get one of the interactive a toy for dogs . There are a lot of options, from different puzzles to stuffed toys that work on the same principle, the dog has to figure out how to get to the treats.

Also check out the Smečka podcast, which offers other tips on how to entertain your dog at home:

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