When two unknown dogs meet, accompanied by their owners, the situation can develop in all sorts of ways. But very often such a scenario is accompanied by the sentence: "They say it to themselves." For some dog owners, this is the most functional principle, while the owners of jet skis usually take their legs on their shoulders. Should we leave canine communication to the dogs alone, or would it help everyone involved if we got more involved in the situation?

Owners who were lucky enough to have a canine companion are used to entrusting responsibility for their own behavior to dogs. Their dogs are balanced and respect the principles of good dog behavior. He believes that his dog meets a like-minded individual who also wants to come to an agreement or leave the situation. In the worst case, it's about ladies who simply don't mind some barking . Or he can't read the dog's signals and has no idea that the tension between the dogs is increasing unpleasantly.

However, what if the dog is timid, inexperienced or reactive? Or is he too excited and can't see and hear when meeting other dogs? Or is it a puppy or a dog that has not yet had anywhere to learn good dog behavior? In such a case, it is a good idea to set up a healthy communication barrier.


If you meet an unknown human-dog pair on the street, you never know which of these groups they belong to. And that's why caution is in order. Even the most balanced dog can be bitten by a dog's nerve with an even more nervous owner. Dogs can sense our emotions and sense when we are afraid in a situation. Sometimes we send the voltage straight through the lead. We ourselves often unknowingly add stress to the situation.

If possible, arrange with the other owner if they agree to meet. And if so, watch how your dog behaves in the situation. Is he relaxed, playful, or is he tense and trying to leave, but is prevented from doing so by a leash, for example. A dog's boundary setting is not necessarily a bad thing, but it needs to be watched so that it doesn't go too far.


In order for the dog to remain a non-conflicting partner, a maximum of such meetings should turn out well. If you feel that a problem is brewing, it is better to leave the situation. Next time try it from a greater distance or in a quieter area. Dog communication doesn't have to be a complex science. However, it is important not to pressure the dog and proceed slowly. Even at the cost of the fact that the owners of other dogs will not understand your decision.

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