Unfortunately, allergies do not choose - pollens, dust mites, dust, cats or dogs, so it can happen that after a few minutes in the presence of a dog you start to sneeze, tear or have trouble breathing. But the good news is that there are several dog breeds that can be described as "hypoallergenic".


If we had to choose one dog breed that is suitable for allergy sufferers, then it is undoubtedly the poodle. His the fur does not shed, which is the alpha and omega of a happy life for allergy sufferers. At the same time, it is important to mention that you have to take proper care of poodle fur. Regular combing, cutting and bathing will guarantee that you, as an allergy sufferer, will feel good in their presence. Another advantage of poodles is their friendly nature and high intellect. So if you are looking for a partner for life that you can rely on, then the poodle is the one for you.


Another breed that is often recommended for allergy sufferers is the Bichon. It is characteristic for Bichons curly fur, which, like poodles, does not look. Bichons are small, friendly dogs that will happily adapt to your lifestyle.


While the Poodle and Bichon have long hair, the Basenji is proud short hair. Although it might seem that this is the "death" of an allergy sufferer, the opposite is true. The Basenji takes care of its coat itself and cleans it skillfully. Even in his case, it is also true that does not shed . So if you are looking for a dog that is larger than a Bichon and is also suitable for allergy sufferers, then the Basenji is the right choice.

Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a breed with thick fur that minimizes the dispersion of allergens . He will also win you over with his active and very intelligent nature. It must be added that the Irish Water Spaniel is ideal for all people who like outdoor activities.

Chinese crested dog

The Chinese crested dog also claims the attention of allergy sufferers. Whether you prefer powder puff or hair less, in both cases you will be sure that it is a hypoallergenic dog. Powder puff has a soft, fine fur , through which allergens only spread to a very limited extent. Hair less is a completely hairless option chinese crested dog. Their friendly, playful and very relaxed nature is also worth mentioning, which makes the Chinese crested dog suitable for families with children.

Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington terrier is also a great companion for allergy sufferers, whose hair is very similar to that of a poodle. Again, it is a breed that does not shed and does not spread allergens . Even in their case, it is important to think that regular brushing is a foundation that you cannot neglect as a master.

Last but not least, it is important to remember that everyone the allergist is very specific . If you know that you suffer from a dog allergy, then the best thing to do is to spend a few hours casually with the chosen breed. For example, try visiting a dog breeder or a dog shelter and find out how your allergy reacts to dog fur and saliva. Also consult your allergist before getting a dog.

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