All dog owners know very well that the recipe for a happy coexistence between a dog and a human cannot be found in one miracle manual. On the contrary, the friendship between a person and a dog is about lifelong education, which not only interesting books, but also podcasts can help us with.


Long gone are the days when we could delve into the depths of a dog's soul only through specialist magazines, books or TV shows. In recent years, podcasts, audio programs based exclusively on the spoken word, have claimed attention. If you don't already listen to podcasts, do so quickly. Just download the Podcasts or Spotify app on your mobile, plug in your headphones and start listening. Ideal entertainment not only on the way to work, but also when walking your dog. And while we're talking about dogs, we can't forget the most interesting podcasts that focus on our four-legged pets. The good news is that, in addition to foreign authors, we can also find several Czech creators who dedicate their podcasts to dogs.


The first Czech podcast, which focuses exclusively on dogs, bears the characteristic name Pejskárium. Its author is dog lover Terka, whose podcast mission is to offer listeners various dog topics. "Life with a dog isn't just three mandatory walks around the block. I believe that our dog is a chance for ourselves, that through him we can meet great people and develop in many different directions." says Tereza in the podcast description.

At the moment, you can find more than eighty parts of interviews thanks to which, for example, you will find out what a dog puller, dogtrekking or even that is, how to care for a senior dog whose prepare the dog for the arrival of a baby in the household . The advantage of Pejskária is also the fact that contains parts focused on a specific breed of dog .



Visits to the vet are also an integral part of life with a dog. Unfortunately, it is not always just a matter of preventive examination, revaccination or prescription of drugs against internal parasites. So if you want to penetrate the secrets of veterinary care, listen to the interesting ideas of Czech veterinarians and find out how to prevent certain dog diseases , then listen to the Labvet podcast. We highly recommend, for example, the section in which you learn all the important information about fleas and ticks, or one of the latest sections dedicated to dog physiotherapy.


Do you feel that you have underestimated the training of your dog? Or, on the contrary, are you working on making sure that your four-legged friend listens perfectly? Either way, you should definitely not miss the Dog Podcast behind it dog trainer Tomáš Nushart . The podcast mainly offers interviews with Czech dog and animal trainers, thanks to which you can learn more about the modern method of force-free training and its use in everyday life .

We particularly recommend the episode in which Tomáš Nushart talks to Marta Mannelová about the method Tellington TTouch . Marta Mannelová is the only certified trainer of the Tellington TTouch method in the Czech Republic who completed a three-year study in Great Britain.


Is English a big problem for you? Great, in that case tune in to a podcast by American dog trainer Robert Cabral. This podcast enjoys great popularity not only abroad, but is slowly gaining Czech listeners as well. Not surprisingly, Roberto Cabral's ideas are very interesting, and his wide range of topics is just as interesting.

In one of the parts, Robert Cabral, for example, deals with can a keto diet cure a dog's cancer . In another work, he again reveals, how the training and work of army dogs works . The ideal podcast for anyone who feels like they already know practically anything about dogs.

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