We all know it, we only want the best for our dog, and quality food is the absolute basis for his good health. Let's take a look together at how to choose quality granules and what to look out for when choosing them.


Selection key quality granules is reading theirs composition . This is the most important data, according to which we can be guided when choosing granules. First of all, it is necessary to focus on yourself naming of individual raw materials . General names such as "cereals", "meat and products of animal origin", "animal fat" do not tell us much about the exact composition of the feed, in this case it is extremely clear that it is not a quality product. On the other hand, only precisely named ingredients such as "lamb", "rice", "lamb fat" are listed in the composition of high-quality feed.


Look first in quality granules meat of a precisely determined type and condition, namely fresh, dried or flour. It is a key component of food and source of animal protein . If fresh meat is listed in the composition, it should always be followed by dried meat or flour. Fresh meat contains 70% - 80% water, which is why the actual proportion of meat in the granules is significantly smaller after it has been dried. Vegetable proteins they are also important, but to a much lesser extent than animal proteins. In no case should it replace meat, which happens quite often with low-quality feed.

In general, 20% - 30% protein is optimal for an adult dog, but let's not forget that when choosing suitable granules, we must also take into account the dog's age, activity and health status.

What about the content fats when it comes to food, dogs use animal fats much better than vegetable fats. Their content ranging from 10% to 20% is generally recommended.



Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for dogs. Potatoes, rice and oats are among the best sources of carbohydrates. Let's be careful about cereals, such wheat contains a high amount of gluten, which is why it becomes difficult for dogs to digest and can cause allergies. We often come across a label on higher quality feeds Grain Free , i.e. without grains.

We must also not forget about fiber , which supports the proper functioning of the intestines (the recommended content in the feed is 2% - 5%). And also on the content vitamins (especially A, B, H, C, D, E) a mineral substances , which are necessary for the correct development of the skeleton, the activity of the muscles of the organs (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sulphur).

Attention! A large part of the minerals will pass through the dog's digestive system without being absorbed, so it is best to choose a food that contains minerals in chelated form , which are much better absorbed.

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