According to the calendar, we still have winter, but the rays of the sun are slowly gaining strength! This is good news for all those who no longer want to spend weekends behind the four walls of the apartment, and instead long for a trip to nature. And since a dog is man's best friend, it would be a shame if we didn't invite him along on the trip.

Going on a trip to nature is not only a pleasure for humans, but also for dogs. New sensations, interesting smells and your company lead to the fact that the dog will enjoy the excursion day to its heart's content. And since the hard winter is behind us, we have prepared for you interesting tips for trips that are so-called dog-friendly . Would you prefer a little trip into history? Or, on the contrary, do you dare to go on a hike?


Do you live in Prague and feel that you and your dog have already visited all the parks and forest parks in our metropolis? Then you can go beyond the borders of the capital, to the nearby Klánovice. If your dog can travel by train, you can get on a passenger train at Masaryk station, which stops at the Praha-Klánovice stop in less than twenty minutes. Afterwards, take your dog to the adjacent nature reserve Klánovick forest, which will surprise you with many birch groves, wetlands and forest ponds . Keep your eyes open as you walk through the forest, as you may come across the remains of defunct medieval villages.


Who among us does not know the book Grandmother by the writer Božena Němcová. Even if your canine pets probably don't want to admire Viktorčina waterfall, Staré Bělidlo or the adjacent Ratibořice castle, they will definitely not be disappointed by a trip to Babiččina údolí. The good news is that the walk through Babiččina údolí is very easy, so both puppies and older dogs can handle it without any problems . However, it must be added that according to the new rules, four-legged visitors to Babiččina údolí must be on a leash at all times.


You can also plan beautiful trips with your dog in the Ústí Region, specifically in Litoměřice. Active dogs will certainly appreciate a trip (or rather a hike) to the peak of Radobýl, which is located at an altitude of 399 masl . The starting point is the village of Žalhostice, from which you follow the yellow tourist sign. The path leads through a forest landscape, so nothing prevents you from letting your obedient dog run free. After about 1.5 km, you will reach the top of Radobýl, from which you will have a view of the České středohoří in good weather.


If you live in the Ore Mountains, then it is recommended to go on the educational trail that leads through the National Nature Reserve Božídar bog. The educational trail is approximately 3.2 km long and you will find twelve educational stops on it. This trip is also ideal for families with small children, as the majority of the trail leads along attic walkways . And if you're lucky, you might spot a minnow or blueberry warbler during your trip.


And we can't forget the Povydří educational trail, which you can find in Šumava. In this case too, look forward to a pleasant, roughly seven-kilometer walk along the bubbling Vydra River. We only recommend that you really go to Povydří in good weather, because the entire walk will take you up to two and a half hours. At the same time, even in this case, families with small children in strollers can also take the trip.

Also check out the Smečka podcast, which covers the topic in more depth:



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