A luxurious new product from the German workshops of HUNTER? This is the Sansibar Solid collar! Soft and durable cowhide with elaborate details , such as a braided end or brass fastening. Rounded edges for maximum comfort and convenience. The unique collar is also decorated with a leather key chain and a gold pendant with crossed swords.
- elaborate details
- with key ring and decorative pendant

Love for dogs is our mission.
Attention to detail, knowledge of the materials they use and their own craftsmanship have been part of their long and incomparable tradition since 1980.
When developing new products, the key aspect is always the motivation to bring pleasure and comfort to animals and their owners and to provide the best possible functionality. They take different paths and spare no effort to constantly develop new, unprecedented products for our four-legged pets.
HUNTER management
"I knew from a young age that one day I would work at HUNTER, because what could be better than putting all our passion and attention to detail into making amazing things for our loved ones? For our four-legged friends who enrich our lives and give us so much . I am fulfilled by working with a beautiful, natural and, above all, sustainable material, which arouses emotions just by its feel and smell, which becomes more pronounced with use, is long-lasting, robust and repairable, all this in our factory in Bielefeld and with joy - every day."